Wednesday 14 December 2011

Post #8 South from Perth

Going to keep this one short as I'm posting via 3G card... Although weak signal may mean it doesn't work!

I picked up the camper early on Sunday in Perth and have spent the last four days winding down the coast, south, from Perth. I'm currently in Walpole, west of Albany. It's 4:45am and have just heard another amazing dawn chorus!

So, I will keep pics to a minimum on this post (Hoping these upload)
This is home until 2012!

And camp set...

It's great! In fact, it's perfect! All very clever with well thought features. More to follow on it later.

In brief, I've followed the coast down through Rockingham, Mandurah & Bunbury. Then Busselton and onto Margaret River. Nearly all of the big Australian wine names are here, very beautiful countryside and very lush and green... Mind you, it has been raining since Monday!

Then I stayed in a little Surf town of Prevelly which was great. Spent the evening with "dudes" on the beach watching other "dudes" surf waves bigger than I've ever seen. They looked like ants in a washing machine when it went wrong... Incredible.

I camped in the amazing Karri Forest, full of 40m trees (all regrowth I later learnt, no older than 100 years) and then went to Cape Leeuwin, Augusta where the Indian Ocean and the Great Southern Ocean officially meet. It was blowing a gale.

Above, Ralph's Veg's... Not sure who Ralph is but they were great! I also turned down a track seeing a sign for an Avocado Farm as I had no idea what an Avocado tree/bush looked like. I was rewarded with the most amazing avocados from the farm gate at 30p each!

Yesterday, I spent some wonderful time in the 'Valley of the Giants' among 60-80m Karri and Red Tingle trees. A part of the forest down here that extends for hundreds of KM's that was never logged and so is circa 400 years old. Took the 40m high suspended walkway through the canopies... Magical!

This week I've also met a dog called 'Maybe', being walked by a charming octogenarian who was driving her car along side him. And I've also been bitten by a Cormorant... Bit sharp at the time but, in truth, a rather refreshing change from being bitten by a hundred Mosquitos a day!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Knoll Scenic Dr,Walpole,Australia

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